Nuisance, sometimes painful – either way if you want it removed we can handle it.
What is a Lipoma?
A lipoma is a “fatty tumor” that is benign (not bad). They are common over the forearms in people who develop many (familial lipomatosis). Otherwise people can just have one or two randomly and they can literally be anywhere on the body. Lipomas are different than normal fat in that they have a “capsule” or wrapping around them which delineates the lipoma.Why does it hurt?
There are many types of lipomas (when viewed under the microscope), some types are more likely to hurt. Some are just in a bad place and are easy to bump which can make them hurt as well.
How can I get rid of the lipoma?
Surgical removal of the entire lipoma with the capsule is recommended if removal is desired. The method is simple, we numb the area with lidocaine (injected numbing medicine) we open the skin and find the lipoma, dissect it out, and remove it. Recurrence is possible if any of the capsule is not removed. A scar is always a risk of the procedure – final scar depends somewhat on closure technique (how good your surgeon is) but probably has more to do with location and the genetics of the patient (how well they scar).
Source: Orthopedics society (link -