
Some are beauty marks, some snag clothing, some you may just not want anymore - few become bad.

What is a mole?

A mole is also called a melanocytic nevus – yeah, we love complex words. A mole is just an island of melanocytes (cells that make skin pigment) that have grouped together.

Why do I have them?

Genetics. Also, injury to the skin makes them occur in higher numbers. One of the most common injuries to the skin is a sun burn or just sun exposure and this also makes more moles.

Aren’t they bad?

No, moles aren’t bad. A mole that hurts, bleeds, grows quickly, grows asymmetrically etc. could be bad.

Don’t they cause melanoma?

Not really. Less than 30% of melanoma arise from a mole. Most melanomas arise from normal skin (probably about 75%).
If you have a mole that is different than the rest, is growing faster than the rest, is “growing and arm or a leg”, or you are just worried about, you should book an appointment with a board certified dermatologist to be evaluated.

Source: Skin Cancer Foundation (link -

For Physicians only (or patients of Dr. Contestable) – “Moles – Patient Handout