Laser Hair Reduction
What is Laser Hair Reduction (LHR)?
Laser Hair Reduction (LHR) is a procedure where a laser device is used to target the color of a hair in order to injure the nearby cells that create a hair. In most cases, LHR is considered cosmetic and therefore not covered by insurance. Speak with your dermatologist to find out if your treatments could be considered a medical issue and possibly covered by insurance.How many treatments do I need?
Most commonly 4-6 treatments. However, it also depends on what the patient’s goals are (reduction or attempting complete removal). Skin tone and other patient factors also play a role. In order to treat darker skin tones safely, a less effective laser is typically used. Also, patient’s with hormonal imbalance or other factors are less likely to achieve a
permanent result and therefore require more treatments if the patients desire continued results.
Is LHR permanent?
In certain situations, LHR is permanent. This is typically with multiple treatments and in lighter skin toned patients who have darker hair (this allows the hairs to be treated more effectively). However, even in these skin tones treatments can lead to 75%-100% reduction depending on the patient and other factors.
In other situations, it is “semi-permanent”; this is typically in darker skin patients or more hormonally influenced areas. Complete reduction may be achieved but patients may need repeat treatments every 1-2 years after they are satisfied with the reduction they have achieved in order to “keep the gains”.
Lasers used to reduce/remove hair can always permanently remove hair. Therefore, when receiving this type of treatment it is important to understand that permanent removal is possible.
What are the medical reasons for laser hair reduction?
The most common medical reason for laser hair reduction is Pseudofolliculitis Barbae and other forms of folliculitis.
Does the treatment hurt?
Yes, there is mild to moderate pain with treatment.
Yes, there is mild to moderate pain with treatment.
Before a laser hair reduction treatment, you should:
1.) Avoid peels or heavy use of acids, retinoids, or abrasive treatments to the area being treated

2.) DO NOT wax, pluck, or thread the area – this damages the skin and also removes the target for the laser – making laser hair reduction ineffective
3.) Understand and know where you would like the treatment
4.) Be ready for some mild to moderate discomfort
5.) Do not get a sun tan or sun burn – avoid sun exposure to the area being treated 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after treatment. Ensure to use sun protection during this time – wide brim hat, long sleeve shirt, pants, sunblock, etc.
What are the risks?
As with any procedure, LHR has potential risks. Some discomfort should be expected. This is typically felt as sharp pain, to a heat sensation. The pain dissipates very quickly and is typically gone within seconds. After the treatment, the skin should be a little swollen (nearly imperceptible), and slightly red. This is typically gone within 24-48 hours and can be helped with light cooling. Other risks include change in color of the skin (dyspigmentation), blister (burn), lack of effect, and scarring are possible. However, Dr. Contestable is a very experienced laser surgeon, with all skin types, and uses lasers specific for LHR – therefore these side effects are exceptionally unlikely.
For more information please follow the link to the AAD website below.
Source: America Academy of Dermatology (
For Physicians only (or patients of Dr. Contestable)